Everyday Stories Photo Walk in Archway Leeds

In November I led a photo walk from Archway, Leeds. The photo walk was part of the wider project called ‘Everyday Stories‘ led by artist and education worker Sarah-Jane Mason and funded by Leeds Inspired . The key aims of the the photo walk were to inspire the young people in the area to participate and engage more with their local environment, services and community. I believe that by re-imagining our world through a camera, we can create new connections with our local environment and develop a deeper understanding of the space and others in it. It’s that belief that underpins every photo walk I plan and lead.
I had such a great day leading the walk and sharing ideas with the young people participating. I was even more thrilled when I saw some of the resulting photos. They were so inspiring I created a small photo book with them. You can view the book by clicking on the cover image below.

The Everyday Stories photo walk is an example taken from the education work that Walking Photographer Tours loves to participate in. If you’re interested in bringing a photo walk to your community project or organisation please call 07828117810 or visit the site’s education page for more details.
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