Walking Photography is a passion project that aims to share the unadulterated joy of taking photos inspired by the outdoors with as many people as possible.
It’s founded and run by me (Rich Bunce Walking Photographer). That's me over there, about 8 years old with my very first camera. It's a 110 film camera bought for me by my Mum from the Avon catalogue. Not long after, I took that photo of the swan, which got me utterly hooked on the idea of freezing time in a single image.
Fast forward xx years and I'm still tirelessly chasing that perfect moment. Whether it's an expression on a face, a moment of unique light or a split second in nature, I'm fixated on finding and capturing "the moment".

a PASSION FOR all things
Since those early years I've gone on to get a BA (hons) in Photography & Digital Imaging and forge a photographic 15+ year career that crosses many sectors and genres. From big clients like Coca Cola and M&S to smaller businesses and individuals. From museum artefacts to big corporate events, I've always loved and embraced the diversity and flexibility photography brings. As my work has progressed I've tried to focus more and more on environment and community commissions.
As well as being internationally exhibited I’ve also been honoured with a variety of nominations and commendations for several prestigious photography awards including Royal Photographic Society’s International Print Awards, International Garden Photographer of the Year and category winner in the British Wildlife Photography Awards.
"Was it photography or nature that came first?" I was lucky to have an upbringing that encouraged the enjoyment of being in nature and watching wildlife. While I got hooked on photography from a pretty young age, it is only in recent years that these two passions have converged.
Nature is a constant source of inspiration for me. A regularly visited refuge that enriches my life through the good, the bad and everything in between!
As well as being absorbed in nature from an early age I'm continually building on my understanding and connections with the natural world. This includes attending wildlife ID training events and professional field craft and tracking courses and when time allows an active member for organisations like the British Trust for Ornithology, helping with surveys etc.
Walking Photography supports a number of nature charities including RSPB, BTO, Curlew Action, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Bee Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Wharfedale Naturalist Society and more.

Better Learning
Sharing skills and knowledge is one of the most rewarding things. It's something I've learned and enjoyed from early on in my career and began delivering workshops and talks for galleries and public sector organisations straight out of art college in the early noughties.
Since then I've continued to develop and hone my approach to sharing and delivering educational events.
As well as running Walking Photography I've developed and delivered walks and workshops for a wide range of public and private sector organisations. From local community groups to global corporations, photo walks and photography workshops offer a whole host of benefits to everyone.
For over 10 years I've been privileged to work with some amazing organisations including the Royal Horticultural Society, The Canal and Rivers Trust, heritage centres like the Piece Hall as well as local authorities and charities to help communities engage with their environment and reimagine their surroundings through photography.
I have also provided photography walks as social and wellbeing activities for international corporate companies such as BNY Mellon and BCW Global.
Visit Walking.Photography for more on what's on offer.