Four December Photography Themes to Capture in the UK
As the temperature dips and mince pies become part of the daily diet, December offers a spectacular playground for photography enthusiasts. Here are four themes to explore with your camera, along with tips to make your snaps sparkle brighter than the fairy lights on your tree!
Christmas Lights near and far
1/100 f2.8 ISO 4000
Whether it’s your neighbour’s garden that can be seen from space, or the elegant displays in local towns, cities and parks Christmas lights are a December classic and never fail to spark joy in the hearts of both the young and old. I also think good photos of Christmas lights can make fantastic greeting cards the following year!
For the best results use a tripod, a low ISO (100-400) and aperture priority (A/AV on the camera mode). If you have to go handheld try to keep the ISO under 6400 and the shutter speed above 1/100.
Birds of a Feather
As the frost bites and food gets scarcer you may notice larger flocks of birds moving together foraging for food. Listening for the contact calls can be a good way of getting ahead of them as they pass through tree to tree.
If you do get ahead of them look for a suitable gap in the foliage to catch them (with a camera!) between trees. Or look for a nearby food source like a teasel or berry tree that may tempt them closer.
For best (and easier) results, use an auto ISO and shutter priority mode (S/TV)
Memorable Portraits
1/200 f2.8 ISO 400
It may be dark and cold but December is probably one of the most sociable months of the year and an opportunity to see people you don’t often get to see all that often. From office parties to friends making that once in a ten year flight from the other side of the world, these shared moments are fleeting and precious and photographs of such encounters all the more powerful.
For me, the two key factors with portrait photography is expression and background. Anyone who’s met me will attest I’m not afraid to tell a bad joke. In fact I will say anything to spark a real expression.
The Shortest Day
1/4 sec f9 ISO 100
The 21st of December marks the winter solstice, a moment steeped in our history and culture. It’s also the latest you’ll need to get up to catch a sunrise (9:19am!!!).
With the 21st falling on a Saturday there may be more opportunity to plan something special. Whether it’s from some ancient standing stones or from the top of a modern tower block, participating in the day is the continuation of a tradition that has likely been around for a long, long time.
I’ve often thought that the Solstice could be fascinating long term project, capturing and contrasting where you are on that day every year and while it’s always an uplifting experience to see the sun lift over the horizon, it can be just as compelling to point the camera in the opposite direction.
Don’t Miss: In Search of Rarities Wildlife Walk
December is a great time to spot novel and rare visitors to the UK. Waxwings, hawfinches, snow buntings, shorties and many more surprising birds will often cause a stir as they travel south for warmer, kinder climes. In fact last month a scarlet tangier caused an absolute circus. And with a new storm inbound who knows what will turn up!
This one-off walk will see us use our wits to see if we can locate something novel and exciting. Find out more here
December is bursting with opportunities for creative photography, whether you're admiring festive lights, chasing feathered flocks, snapping loved ones, or embracing the solstice spirit. Just remember to layer up, keep spare batteries warm (they hate the cold as much as you do), and enjoy the adventure.
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