March-ing into Spring: Photography Inspiration, Tips & Ideas for March

Even those struggling to avert their eyes from their phones will have noticed the many changes already taking place this March!
From early blossoms on the trees to the noticeably louder bird song filling the (slightly) warmer climes. Those slow, subtle transitions will soon gather momentous speed, as the natural world competes for light, breeding rights and food! And March is when it all starts to kick off!
Like all things in life, change is never plain sailing. So be ready for the odd snow flurry, hail or storm. In fact, March can be a fantastic time for photographing the weather.
Focus of the month: Blossoms and Blooms
While you might still be able to catch some snowdrops, they'll soon be giving way to other flowers and plants. For me, March is all about wood anemones and they’re one of my favourite challenges to photograph this time of year. A slow coloniser that’s typically found on deciduous woodland floors, they can be a good indicator of an ancient habitat.
Primroses, violets, daffodils, celandines also make wonderful subjects this time of year, while the early blossoms on blackthorn, plum, cherry plum and pear trees can be really striking on these early leaders.
These early blossoms tend to really catch the light, which is why I tend to prefer catching them in a softer light, or using backlighting. Whichever light you choose to use and whatever approach you take, I’ve no doubt that focussing on blossoms and blooms in the weeks ahead will be a joyous and uplifting endeavour!
Creature of the month: Brown Hare
As mad as a March Hare - A centuries old adage that highlights a seasonal behavioural trait in one of the UK’s favourite mammals! As the first signs of spring develop our Hares seemingly get more and more excitable with males giving chase to females. And unwanted male attention may even result in a “boxing” bout.
Best watched in the early morning or late evening sun and reaching speeds up to 40mph, you’ll want to ensure shutter speeds of 1/1000 of a second and higher to freeze the action.
Photography tip of the month: Backlighting
Light is to photographers what hops are to brewmasters. The more attention you pay it, the better the results. When used well, backlighting often offers a more creative, professional look to a photo and when used in conjunction with February’s exposure compensation tip can produce stunning results. Now’s a great time to explore back lighting as the sun is still comparatively low at relatively social hours, but not for long!
Photo Walk of the Month: Beginners’ Photography Workshop
When spring kicks in the number of things to turn lens grows tenfold, this practical, small group workshop is the perfect opportunity to get on top of your camera settings before it really matters! Learn more about the Get a Grip Photography Workshop
Inspirations for the month: Fay Godwin
I was once privileged to show a piece of work in a Godwin exhibition while at Kingston School of art and design, which was extraordinarily generous for such a celebrated and prolific photographer. The work she is best known for are her dramatic, sweeping landscapes of the British landscape.
Perfect inspiration for a month known for unpredictable weather.
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