Photo Walk Highlights from August & September

August and September were filled with exciting and dramatic photo walks full of inspiring photo opportunities! Things started to feel more business as usual with more events and lessons. Events were and still are run with much reduced numbers (less than six people) and socially distanced.
August was primarily about the heather on Ilkley Moor for both organised walks and private lessons. September saw a trip to the dramatic Northumberland coastline for the first Secret Wanders with a Camera event. It did not disappoint! The start of autumn also saw the beginning of the night photography photo walks season with a wonderful night exploring Leeds. Both August and September featured Nature Walks along the river Wharfe for Otters and bats. While the otters remained elusive on both occasions, each walk offered a stunning evening full of nature with the bats more obliging later on!
It's been so great getting back out taking photos with people again and I hope you enjoy looking through some of the highlights...
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